I Did It!

I kept the date a secret from most people. Only my family and a few friends knew what I was planning today. I was a ball of nerves and kept wondering why I was going to do this. Crazy lady.

Yup, I finished my first 5K race!

My mom and Adam came to cheer me on since Brian is still in Iowa. I found Shannon and we took a ‘before’ photo:

Before the race. I was a ball of nerves!

I had my iPod blaring so I couldn’t hear myself panting for the whole 3.2 miles. It helped. I kept checking my watch to see how I was doing on time. I was hoping to at least finish in less than 35 minutes since that was about what I ran when I did a 5K practice run a couple weeks ago. The course was to run 2.5K, then turn around and take the same course back to the start. As Shannon passed me after she turned around, I smiled and waved at her and she gave me an encouraging thumbs up! I had to keep telling myself to keep going and just make it to the finish.

Coming across the finish line! I blew Adam a kiss and waved as he waved and cheered me on!

I finished in 32:27! Not too shabby for my first race! However, I believe my exact words to my mom were: “That totally sucked! There’s no way I’m ever doing that again!”

Shannon and I found each other and took the “after” sweaty picture:

Sweaty, but proud of ourselves! Great job, Shannon!


As the day has gone on, I have been feeling worse and worse. I woke up with a sore throat this morning, but now I have full blown cold. I’m annoyed. It’s too warm to just want to lay on the couch all day!  Ugh. Off to bed I go….

1 Comment »

  1. Sandy Tracy Said,

    October 3, 2011 @ 6:18 PM

    Happy to be there to share this moment with you! Congratulations!

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