Halloween and 20 Weeks!

Halloween was a blast! Adam decided he wanted to be the Cat in the Hat. And boy, was he cute! The costume was perfect and he even let me paint a nose and whiskers on his face! Pretty much every house he went to for trick-or-treating complimented him on his costume. He was pretty proud of himself. He also did a great job trick-or-treating. It was a beautiful night, so he lasted quite a while and filled up his bucket!

Cat in the Hat!

We took a new approach with pumpkin carving this year. I have always wanted to try the ‘fancy’ template carvings, but was too chicken/impatient to do so. Well, this was the year. We chose a couple templates and here is what we came up with:

Our jack-o-lanterns. The one on the left was made by drilling holes with a power drill!

Halloween also marked the 20 week point of my pregnancy. Officially half way there!

20 week baby bump. 🙂

On Friday, the 2nd we had our 20 week ultrasound. All of the anatomy and everything looks perfect! Such a relief! We were also able to find out the gender. I was so sure it was another boy because this pregnancy has been pretty similar to the one with Adam. Although, over the last couple weeks I’ve realized I’ve been a bit more emotional and more of a crier, so I was starting to wonder if maybe it was a girl.

The baby gave us a great shot of the goods and here is what we saw:

It's a GIRL!!!!

Yup, a girl! We’re so excited! After the doctor appointment I had to swing by Target for a couple things and figured I’d mosey on over to the baby girl clothes. Oy. I’m gonna be in trouble! SO many cute things!! I bought a few little things of the clearance rack, but restrained myself from going overboard.

That night, we had the grandparents over for dinner. I made a pink cake with pink frosting on the inside and white frosting on the outside. We had Adam cut into it and reveal if the baby was a boy or a girl (I had kept it a secret from him all day and he was NOT happy about that!) His reaction was: “Oh, it’s a GIRL baby!!”

The pink cake!

Thank you for all of the wonderful emails, calls, texts, and facebook messages! This little girl is already so loved!


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