Boo Hoo!!

So we’ve been home from vacation for about a week and a half. Boo Hoo!! It’s been busy since we got home: Brian went to Iowa the morning after we got home, and I took Adam to grandma’s for a few days cuz I had to head back to work! Nothing like a jolt of reality to get us back into the swing of things!

Our vacation was wonderful!! We love Beachscape Villas a little more each time we go there (now 3)! We were a little disappointed that our room wasn’t quite as ocean view as we had hoped, but it ended up being pretty convenient cuz it was close enough to the pool/lobby (where there is free wi-fi) that we were able to get internet in our room! This was very handy for when Adam was napping or in bed for the night.

Our days went a little something like this: wake up; have breakfast at the hotel overlooking the pool and ocean; head back to the room for a little bit to get on swimsuits; go to the pool for while, then to the beach; enjoy lunch on the beach; back to the room for Adam to nap (a few days I soaked up more rays by the pool during nap); head to the pool or beach to swim some more; shower and head out for supper; hang out in the room or outside for a little while, then tuck Adam in to bed. Brian and I would surf the web or read after Adam was in bed, but we had a hard time staying awake past 9! All the sun makes ya tired!

We had delicious meals, absolutely perfect weather, and an all around fabulous time! I cannot wait to get us back there! I’ll have a hard time waiting a whole year!  😉

As promised, here are a few favorite pics. You can see the rest by clicking on “see our photos” on the right—->

Absolutely unbeatable beach at our hotel. Our favorite place to be!


Brian and Adam in the ocean. Their suits match the sky & water!


Adam scooping sand into his bucket

Self photo of Brian and I with Adam behind us

Family photo standing in the beautiful Caribbean

Standing outside Senor Frog's with our balloon hats we got during dinner

I think Spring has finally arrived! It’s been pretty nice around here lately and today, I was able to go for a run outside for the first time. It was so nice! Now I’m super excited for it to continue to get warmer so I can continue running outside! Bye bye treadmill!!

Hope everyone is well and having a nice weekend!

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